February 10, 2025

AI, Machine Learning and Data Science Tutorials

Basics of Decision Theory – How Medical Diagnosis Apps Work

Watch the video here. In this lesson we would examine the following topics What is Decision Theory Application of Decision ...

What is the Difference Between Machine Learning and Deep Learning?

Hell guys, as you know, I'm Kindson the Genius and good to see you again! In this short lesson, I ...

20 Cool Machine Learning and Data Science Concepts (Simple Definitions)

Hello everyone, as you know, I'm Kindson The Genius. I would like to share with you these 20 cool Machine ...

ML.Net Tutorial 2: Building a Machine Learning Model for Classification

You could also learn Difference Between Machine Learning and Deep Learning. This tutorial follows from Tutorial 1  where you downloaded your dataset, ...

20 Cool Machine Learning and Data Science Concepts (Simple Definitions)

Hello everyone, as you know, I'm Kindson The Genius. I would like to share with you these 20 cool Machine ...

Simple Explanation of Tensors 1 – An Introduction

I have spent some time trying to understand tensors but I have spend more time trying to find an simple ...

What is Principal Component Analysis (PCA) – A Simple Tutorial

In this simple tutorial, I would explain the concept of Principal Components Analysis (PCA) in Machine Learning. I would try ...

Difference Between Prediction and Inference in Machine Learning

Hello friend, I'll like to share with you this brief explanation of the difference between Prediction and Inference. They appear ...

Top 10 Free Machine Learning Papers Every Student Researcher Must Read

I have made a list of this 10 research paper I believe very student and researcher in area of Artificial ...

How I Lost My Programming and Machine Learning Research Studio in Nigeria

I still cry when I remember what I lost in the in Nigeria couple of months before I relocated to ...

What is the Difference Between Machine Learning and Deep Learning?

Hell guys, as you know, I'm Kindson the Genius and good to see you again! In this short lesson, I ...

What the heck is TensorFlow (Beginner Tutorial 1)

This would be a very easy explanation of the concept of TensorFlow. As you know, I'm Kindson the Genius Sometimes, ...

5 Most Popular AI Programming Languages to Learn by 2019

So much changes is taking place in the field of programming. Easy to Learn and Free 1. Python 2. R ...

ML.Net Tutorial 1: Introduction to Machine Learning in .Net (Beginner to Expert)

My name is Kindson The Genius and today, I would introduce you to Machine Learning using .Net. Yes, .net C# ...

5 Schools to Earn Masters Degree in Machine Learning (Part-time and Online Learning) 2018/2019

Hello, my name is Kindson. One fact we must all appreciated is that in the next few years, Machine Learning ...

Brief Explanation of Top 5 Technology Trends You Should Know in 2019

Hello good to see you! My name is Kindson The Genius and I would give you a brief explanation of ...

Introduction to Partial F-Test in Multivariate Linear Regression

Good to see the effort you put in learning. I assure you that these concepts are really not hard to ...

What is Heteroscedasticity and Multicolinearity in Regression Analysis?

Hello! Good to see you. I'll be very happy to explain to you these two important concepts Multicolinearity Heteroscedasticity These ...

What is Coefficient of Determination in Linear Regression

If you are learning linear regression, then you need to clearly understand the concept of Coefficient of Determination R2 and ...

Advanced Statistics Quiz 11 – Cluster Analysis

Good to see you here! Today's quiz would be based on Cluster Analysis. So let's get started. Question 1: What ...