You may print it if you like so you can keep it handy. You may also be checking frequently in case of updates or assignments been added to the schedule.
Day 1: Introduction to Visual Studio, ASP and the .Net Framework
- What is the .Net Framework
- What is ASP?
- Getting a Free Visual Studio IDE
- Introduction to Visual Studio
- The Visual Studio IDE
- What you can do with Visual Studio
- The C# Programming Language
- About this course
- Home Work
Day 2: Starting a C# Application/Structure of a C# Program
- Create a C# Console Application in Visual Studio
- What is a Console Application/Web Application
- Create a C# Web Application
- Introduction to Visual Studio
- Basic Syntax of C# Program
- Class vs Method in C#
- Multiline and Single Line Comments
- The Main() Procedure or method Keywords in C#
Home Work:
Day 3: Setting up Web, Console and Windows Application in the same solution
- Set up an Empty Solution
- Add A Console Application
- Add an Empty Web Application
- Add a Windows Application
- Add some information in each of the Projects
- Setting Startup Projects
- Trying to Access Classes across projects Setting Startup Form in Windows Project (Program.cs file)
Home Work 3: Create an Empty solution. Add an Empty Web Application. Also Add an Web forms Web Application. What difference did you notice between the two?
Bonus Class: Designing a simple Web page
Day 4: Variables, Data Types and Declaration
- What are Variables?
- Variable Name convention rules(symbols, number etc)
- Defining Variables. (More than 1 variable) Initializing Variables
- Getting User inputs (Console.ReadLine() and Console.WriteLine())
- C# Data Types(int, float, char, string, double, single, decimal)
- Value Types and Reference Types
- Value type(int, double, Boolean, short, float)
- Reference type(String, Array, Objects)
- Nullable Type in C#
- Introduction to Pointers and Pointer Types
Homework 4: Try to use Console.ReadLine(), Console.Read(), and Console.ReadKey(). What is the difference between them? Do the same with Console.Write(), and Console.WriteLIne()?
Day 5: Type Conversion: Implicit and Explicit Conversion ( and Parse()
- Introduction to Windows Forms
- Common Windows Form Controls and Properties
- Coding the Exit Button
- Linking between two forms. Open a form with a button click
- Converting Integer to String
- Converting String to Integer (Int.parse(), )
- Converting to Decimal
- Converting to Other Data Types
- Rounding Decimal Numbers
- Difference between Float, Decimal, Double and Single
Home Work 5 : Write a program that asks the user of his name and age. Then it would display: “Your name is …. and you are ….. years old.
Day 6: Handling Date and Time Data Types
- Using DateTime type
- Creating an new date using the DateTime constructor
- Declaring date data type
- Converting to a date using Convert.toDateTime() Converting Date to a Strings (ToString, ShortString, LongString etc)
- Getting Today’s date and time Extracting Day, Month and Year from Date
- About TimeSpan Data Type for date and time
Home Work 6: Design a Form that allows the user to select a date. The form would contain a button. When the user clicks on the button, the system would show the Day, Month and the Year. You form should look like the one shown below.
Day 7: Operators in C#
- Arithmetic Operators
- Relational Operators
- Logical Operators
- Bitwise Operators
- Assignment Operators
- Other Operators
Homework 7: Write a simple menu-based console calculator. The calculator will display a menu that allows user to select an operation. Then user is prompted to enter first and second operand. Then the result is calculated and displayed.
Day 8: If/Else and Switch Statement
- If Statement in single line
- If Statement in multiline
- If/else statement
- Nested If statements
- Switch statement
- The ?: operator in C#
Homework 8: Write a program that displays a grade to an input entered by the user. The grade is assigned as follows: 70-100: Excellent, 60-70: Good, 50-59:Average, 40-49:Fair, 30-40: Poor, 0-29:Fail.
Day 9: Loops in C#
- The While Loop
- For Loop
- Do…While Loop
- Nested Loops
- Inserting Loops using Snippets
Homework 9: Write a console program to (a) Calculate the Sum and Average of numbers between 1 and 100 and display the result (b) Print the Fibonacci Sequence it 1,2,3,5,8,13,….. (c) Write a program the accepts a number n from the user and calculates the sum of numbers from 1 to n.
Day 10: Access Specifiers in C#
- The public keyword
- The Private keyword Instantiating a Class (Creating object of class)
- Deriving a class
- Protected keyword
Day 11: Arrays and Lists
- What are arrays.
- Declaring Arrays
- Initializing Arrays
- Accessing Array Elements
Day 12: String Manipulation
- String Data Type String or string?
- Formatting a method to produce a string
- Properties of a string Comparing Strings
- Checking if String contains another String
- Retrieving Substring from string
- Joining strings together (Concatenation)
Homework 12: Create a application that takes a users Firstname and Lastname and then separates it into Firstname and Lastname
Day 13: Inheritance: Classes and Subclasses
- Creating a New Class
- Properties and Methods
- Instantiating a Class(Creating an object of a class)
- Types of Constructors Destructors
- What is Inheritance
- Deriving a Class
Day 14: Working With Various Web Controls
- About WebForms
- Setting Properties of Buttons, Labels and Textboxes
- Using a Listbox and dropdownList
- What are CSS Files
- Attaching a CSS File to a Webform
- Working With Radio Buttons
- Working with Checkboxes
- Working with Calendar Control
Day 15: The Static keyword
- What is a Static class
- What is a static method?
- Static Members of a Class
Day 16: Polymorphism in C#
- What is Polymorphism
- Function Overloading
- Operator Overloading
- Abstract Classes
Day 17: Overloading
What is Overloading
Types of Overloading
Operator overloading Examples
Day 18: Multiple inheritance and Interfaces
- What is Multiple Inheritance?
- What are Interfaces and What are they used for
- Declaring Interfaces
Day 19: Abstract Classes and Class Library
- What is an Abstract Class
- What is a Class Library
- Abstract Class Demo
Day 20: Namespaces and Preprocessor directives
- What are namespaces?
- The System namespace Defining namespaces in C#
- What is a pre-processor directive
- The #define directive
Day 21: Regular Expressions
- What are regular Expressions
- Defining regular expressions
- Writing regular expressions
Day 22: Handling Errors and Exceptions
- Keywords for Exception
- Handling Exception Handling
- Syntax Creating User-defined exceptions
Day 23: Reading and Writing to Files
- I/O Classes in C#
- The FileStream class
- Reading a text file and displaying to the output
Day 24: Connecting to Databases
- Connecting to a Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet
- Connecting to a Microsoft Access Database
- Connecting to MySQL Database
- Connecting to MS SQL Database Final Course Project
Project 1: Create an image browser application. This application would have buttons: First, Last, Next and Previous. And would display images in a directory. Next Step: Advanced ASP.NET C# in 24 days
Project 2: Creating a Simple Website in ASP.Net
Superb Blog to read keep sharing more thanks for it